
boom... ambiguous?


I'm not sure lately

I'm reading the blogs of Himena, Kanda, and Ge-ha-ko lately

personally I feel more motivated in my style and lifestyle when I read blogs because they show the simple real life.

lately I'm really unmotivated. It's not like I don't want to, it's just that I don't know what I want.

you know what I mean?

I ate a huge salad earlier and now it's not settling well, and I'm a bit grumpy because of it.

So I'm thinking about my other frustrations.

lately I can't find any clothes I like or that I want to buy either.

so I just wear sweats and the same thing every day.

my hair is ugly and I can't get my weight under control.

I'm very stressed.

should I just stop caring? maybe.

but my style and lifestyle are very important to me.

So of course I'm gonna care about it.

I don't know any solution to be honest.

maybe I should talk to my therapist w 

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