


Yesterday's movie was...

ng lol

The movie was 'Long Legs'.

I thought it was stupid and cheesy. The story was nonsensical and incoherent.

I was also immediately uncomfortable with Nick Cage's character. I think making the choice to make the villain sort of effeminate and gender bending and the victims of the movie all little girls... in the current political climate... is a choice...

I knew I was in for a bad time when I noticed the only other people in the theatre were mostly bro-y college aged dudes.

So very schlocky low quality horror fare.

I'm quite burnt out on low quality horror with high quality aesthetics, especially 'vintage' aesthetic.

It feels like that's all there is lately.

Well speaking of which I guess we're getting a new James Wan produce soon?

'The Monkey", it looks really stupid w

I'm excited.

It's going to make me so mad.

today's コード


I wish I have UGG boots again

I just can't find them???? did I sell them?? I don't remember...

I finally got new batteries so I could take out my pink keyboard.

My Magic Keyboard has been broken for so long. 

it works fine but the A key is messed up.

so since I've been playing Minecraft again recently I thought it's a good idea to change keyboards so that I can use the A key heavily without worrying.

the keyboard I have is this one.

Now for the rest of the day I think I'll get high and play Minecraft w.

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