


Today I went out shopping just so I can get out.

I can't afford it but it's necessary sometimes.


I wanted to use this top which I bought a couple of years ago and I've never worn (I think?)

I walked down to the city center, and went to Daiso.

I looked in GAP and Claire's also, but I didn't see anything good so I left.

on the way back, I was hungry, so I went to Trader Joe's and bought some snacks. 

then I went back home.

Honestly I feel very meh and I kind of just wish I didn't spend the money.

but at least I got exercise w

Slippers impulse buy, new kitchen scissors (ours broke a long time ago), deco for my new phone, and FINALLY a hand fan which I've needed for ever.

I got everything bagel crackers, garlic dip, chili lime chips, fig cookies, and just tofu w

they were also giving free chocolate dipping kits

So I took one and I thought I'll make something like an un-valentines day gift for J w

or very late white day

I heard that the trader joes chili lime chips are better than Takis,

I heard that from several people

and I thought "I'll be the judge of that"

and I think... They are.

They taste almost exactly the same, but they are slightly less spicy, and they have natural dye and use much less powder for the same level of flavor.

the real test will be to see iff they hurt my stomach and give me mouth ulcers like Takis do,

then I'll make my final judgement. 

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