
How I Use Pinterest ♡

 Hello Everyone!

Today I'll talk about how I use Pinterest. I've said a lot before that I use pinterest pretty heavily for inspo for basically every aspect of my life and style. From my hair cut and color to how it's styled, every different kind of outfit I like to wear, room decor, accessorizing, EVERYTHING. 

My Boards

I have a lot of boards, but I'll discuss my main ones.

Boom Board - The place I save my active boom vision. I'll usually use this board to influence immediate decisions like hair color, new eyelashes, piercings, new makeup gets, or clothing items to hunt for. 

I don't save by substyle, I just separate girly/cute and cool/hard style outfits. I think this helps me be creative and keeps me from getting stiff.

Sweet Board - Any sweet style outfits, make, or hair I like go here. 

Cool Board - Any darker and hardstyle outfits, make, or hair I like go here.

Nail Board - Nail Set reference material. 

Hair Board - Hair style references, tutorials, and ideas, that could work with my hair.

I have some other boards, for apartment decor, car decor, etc. but they're a little less interesting to look at.

How I use the Inspo 

Using photos as inspiration goes beyond "I like how this picture looks". I analyze the photos and try to understand WHY the outfit looks how it does, the elements that make it, and how I can create the same impression.

I examine all the photos on my board and pick out the most repeated elements.

This will help me to know where to even start on dressing how I like. If I can pick out the things that almost every photo has, I can get a head start before I even get to the clothes by cutting an coloring my hair, shaping my brows, getting a tan, etc.

I examine coordinates I like and determine how the silhouette is formed.

Gyaru is almost completely reliant on silhouette, especially where hair and clothing is concerned. the garments themselves can be completely plain, and the hair can be down, but the way it effects the silhouette can make it undeniably gal. If you aren't paying attention to silhouette, your outfit likely won't look gal even if you directly copy a photo.

When I pick outfits that I want to use as direct inspiration, I analyze how they fit on the body, how they influence the lines and shapes of the body, and how I can get that same effect even if my body is a different shape and I'm using different items.

As you can see, from here the criteria is pretty open ended, and I can easily pick items that look different and could still give the same appearance. This helps me know what to look for when shopping in local shops. 

How I make the looks my own

Obviously, I don't directly copy every aspect of photos to an obvious degree, and it's because I have a set group of criteria for my wardrobe to keep it cohesive and MINE. I stick to a color palette (but I allow myself to buy pieces outside of this palette occasionally if I know I can coordinate it). I also stick to a tone range. Having Neons, Pastels, Earth Tones, and whatever else all mixed together makes coordinating very hard. I will buy items that fit my color range instead of just whatever I see other gals wearing. I also like to incorporate Disney items into my looks because I'm a Disney collector, and it makes my outfits feel like me.

That's all for today, I hope it's helpful for someone out there! Bye for Now. 


5 Gals to Follow 7月2021年

Hello Everyone ~ 

As requested, today I'm going to share some of my favorite Reiwa Gals to follow!
(If you don't know, Reiwa is the current era of Japan's calendar. For the purposes of this post today, when I say "Reiwa Gal" I'm referring to gals with a modern style.) 

I'm totally in a modern gal boom right now, but I notice a modern look isn't very popular in the overseas comm, which makes me sad. I want to show some of my favorite gals to inspire you all to love Reiwa Gals too! ☆*.

This won't be even close to exhaustive, and I might have to do more than one of these cause I definitely will forget someone really important to me and be sad about it! If someone isn't included here it's NOT because I don't like them, I just picked a few randomly for this post.

1) Seina 

If you know me you hear me talk about Seina 5 times in a sentence, she's one of my very favorite active gal models. I would describe her as the ideal combination of youthful and mature styles, and also absolutely ADORABLE. Seina is curently 19, working as a model for EGG magazine and designer of her own brand La-La, and she's a mama! She also semi-regularly does lifestyle mommy vlogs on the EGG youtube channel which are very relaxing to watch.
Seina is incredibly inspiring in both appearance and lifestyle, her home decor is also gorgeous! If I could only pick one gal to put on this list it might be her. ><

2) Yuuramomo

If you're itching for effortlessly sexy, cool Motor Gal content worthy of SOULSISTER, Yuuramomo is your gal. I can't even explain how in love I was when I discovered her. If I could look half as cool as her, I would die happy. She's also the queen of dark hair kurogal. I think there's an impression that all modern gal is light colors, beige blondes, and boring silhouettes but Yuuramomo totally shatters that misconception.

3) Yoshio
Warning: NSFW

Yoshio is everything I like, in style and in general. I smile every time I see her posts. She is an ideal and sexy example of gal perfection and completely embodies the gal spirit. She is an ideal inspo if you liked tsuyome type gals and want to transition to a more modern look.

4) Kasumi

If you like Black & Silver, wearable but luxurious, high contrast style, Kasumi is it. I love to see her looks and her home decor. During my black and silver boom I was completely obsessed. I think her style is a good example of accessible luxury glamour, as most of her looks could be replicated mostly on the cheap, and paired with key luxury accessories. I really like the silhouettes she creates.

5) Saki

Cool Older Sister Blueprint. I think Saki is an ideal inspo for someone maybe 25+ who's easing into, or out of, gyaru and wants a little bit less commitment. Natural hair, natural brows, fairly comfortable outfits, she definitely makes me feel like dressing up on the daily is completely possible. However, just because I said she'd be good inspo for Pa-Gals, doesn't mean she's any less than full gal at the same time. She is effortless natural gal to me. 



Okay, no, she's not gal. But Aya has one of the single most gorgeous aesthetics I've ever seen in my life. I want to live in her instagram feed. I think it goes without saying her style can absolutely apply to gal, so I just stuck her in here as a bonus! 


Okinawa Gal style with a pink twist, also, COUPLE GOALS!! Simply another absolutely gorgeous lifestyle Instagram to look at.

That's all for today! This was really fun to write so I'm sure I'll to this again soon. I hope it was helpful for you all! Let's get excited about today's gal together!! 

Bye For Now! *.

Pixel Art Dividers by Kia-chaaanUsagiPinku


How to ACTUALLY Get Started In Gyaru (Vital Skills You Need To Master)

Hello Everyone! 

It's no secret that I've been working a lot over the past year with many newcomers to gyaru through the discord, and other communities, and as such I feel I've become pretty familiar with the most common concerns and difficulties new gals tend to face. One of the most common questions I receive is a very vague and difficult one to answer:
"How can I get started in Gyaru?"
And today I hope to, at least partially, answer that for you.
In 4 simple sections, my hope is that if you can master all these concepts you will be able to lead yourself well in your gal journey, and have a good sense of direction, to know what and how you need to improve, without having to be told. I am not going to hold your hand with this post, so I won't be doing the research for you. I will lead you to the water, you'll have to drink by yourself.

(Disclaimer: This is my personal ramblings and other gals may very well disagree with me, I'm not speaking for anyone but myself.)

1) Learn What Gyaru Is, and It's History.
In order to get started in gyaru, you need to actually know what it is. I know that this sounds like common sense, but I promise you it's a very common problem I see. Depending on how someone heard about gyaru originally, they will come into it with a certain bias. It's very important to learn what gyaru actually is before you can decide if you are truly interested in investing into it, because it might not even be what you thought. 

- Magazines are one of the most invaluable resources of gyaru
 I consider it absolutely necessary to be familiar with the magazines to some extent.
The facebook page Shibuya Gals is an awesome resource for magazines, You can also find magazine flip throughs on Blogs and on Youtube. I highly recommend purchasing your own magazines if you are able. 
- Read Blogs
Gyaru are heavy blog users. There are many gals who have long running blogs full of advice, history, all kinds of gold. Look for active blogs, dead blogs, Japanese models' blogs. Take time to read back in their post history and find good information.
-Dig Up Old Stuff
Gyaru is a 30, or so, year old subculture with a HUGE footprint on the internet. Get interested in digging up those relics. You don't need to reinvent the wheel.
Beginner Guide to Gyaru series is a helpful base line starting point. 
- Learn What Gyaru is not
I find that a lot of newbies try to marry gyaru with things that it has nothing to do with. Gyaru is not y2k/Early 2000's, Japanese Paris Hilton style, Bimbo, "Kawaii Culture", "Dolly style", EGirl adjacent, etc. These things might be able to coexist with gyaru in some instances and to some extent, but none of these are what gyaru is. If you are actually interested in something else, do that instead! Follow your joy. 

2) Learn How To Shop
It is true that gyaru is not pay-to-play, and is extremely accessible, but unavoidably you're going to end up shopping at some point. Gyaru is a lifestyle and you will want to feed into it. Shopping is half the fun if you ask me!

-BEFORE BUYING ANYTHING: Decide what type of style you want to wear
A super common newbie mistake I see is buying random pieces because they "look gyaru", but just ending up with a collection of pieces that don't go with eachother, and never being able to make a coordinate. 
Start browsing photos, and saving ones that give you that little inspiration tingle. I personally recommend Pinterest for this, but it's all personal preference. Try to Decide what kind of outfits you want to wear. Do you like the sexy skimpy cuts, blacks and neons, piercings and tans of a hard style gal? Frilly sweet skirts, fluffy caramel curls, pumps and jeweled nails? Decide on a cohesive style to stick to. Make sure to consider your lifestyle and if you would actually be able to wear it. It is also much simpler to pick a color scheme. This will ensure everything can be worn with everything else.
This isn't the same as committing to a hard defined substyle, and I do not recommend that personally. This way you are free of biases that might keep you from searching for things that aren't "X substyle" but you would like anyways.

- Learn How to Analyze and Break Down a Coordinate
Researching photos doesn't end at just looking at them and thinking "yes I like this". You need to break down the coordinates to their individual pieces, recognize how the silhouette is formed, recognize the pieces that are often repeated in different coordinates, and what kind of piece you need to buy in order to emulate that look. This is not complicated. It's extremely easy, and will become second nature in a short time.
It is also helpful to compare brand items to western items and recognize how they are different. You can use this to find clothing similar to gyaru brands in western shops.
- Learn How to Buy and Sell on Secondhand Platforms
Even if you don't have a lot of spending money, It is quite likely that your interests will shift from the style you originally liked, and in that case you will be able to sell off your old items to buy new ones. I would consider online and secondhand shopping a necessary skill for gal. Learn how to use a shopping service, and familiarize yourself with the resale value of brands before purchasing any. Scalping is common and you don't want to overpay. 
- Buy Staple Items 
I know they're not the most exciting, but that fancy ALBA coat or d.i.a. top is useless if you have nothing to wear it with. Buy staple items first before making more frivolous purchases. If there are items you will ALWAYS need, buy them first. Handbag, jacket, socks, versatile shoes, a versatile hair accessory, a good push up bra, plain skirts or shorts. It's so much easier to build coordinates when you're first starting out if you have basic pieces to pair with your special ones.

3) Join the Community, Listen and Observe
The comm is one of the best parts of gal, and you'll grow more with the help of others than you will on your own. 

- Learn comm etiquette before you post
Introduce yourself, be friendly and personable, contribute to the community as you take from it. Learn how to effectively ask for constructive criticism in a way that others can helpfully answer. Try to maintain a good balance of asking questions and posting your own content. It can be uncomfortable if we are only ever interacted with for advice, especially if we don't ever see it taken.
Chances are, if you're going to ask a question, 10 other people already have. Always use the search function, google, and youtube for key words related to your question, your answer might already be out there. 
-Talk To Other Gyaru
I believe I have truly learned so much just by chatting with other gyaru. Each of us carry a certain amount of knowledge, so exchanging it with others leaves us all with more to work with.
- Pay Attention to how Vet Gyaru do Things
Someone who has been doing gyaru for longer than you has been where you are before, and has moved past it, so following them and paying attention to how they operate can teach you a lot.

I'm not kidding when I say the number one biggest problem you're having with not knowing how to get into gyaru, or how to improve, is that you simply aren't doing it. However possible, make gyaru a part of your life. make gyaru a thing you're doing as often as you possibly can. Your knowledge of both what to do and what you need to improve will skyrocket exponentially the more you actually physically do it. You hold the key to your success, really and truly.

- Do your Makeup and Hair as often as possible
Even if it's 2AM and you have no where to go, and you're just going to wash it right back off, practice your make whenever you have time. In my beginner days, I would do my makeup multiple times a day, just to take a couple of photos, wash it back off , and redo it. Just so I could practice and learn what makeup suited my face.
I know that many new gals are nervous about wearing gyaru to school or work, but gyaru is a flashy style for flashy people. I don't know how to advise those who want to be involved in a lifestyle that they don't want to live honestly. 
- Without Attempts We can't give you advice
 Many new Gals are frustrated because they want to post photos for criticism, or want advice on something, but have nothing to show us because they refuse to try it knowing they will fail. You will ALWAYS be bad at it if you never allow yourself to pass the stage where you look bad. Would you rather look like a newbie for a short period or a newbie forever?
-Gyaru is extremely Accessible
Many new gals insist on wearing an extreme, expensive to maintain style, but don't have a life that allows it, so they never wear gal in the end. You need to make gal fit your life, and consider your personal restrictions when developing your personal makeup or your wardrobe. If you aren't willing to wear something that stands out at school, you should wear a more compatible style. This is absolutely possible, you just need to do it. Gyaru is flexible, you should mold it to fit you.

(Seina is just one of many gyaru with a trendy wearable style)

That's All For Today!

With this, I hope you're feeling a little more confident and like you have some more direction. If I have effectively explained, and you have properly understood, from these prompts you should have been able to find just about any resource you could possibly need!
I'm sorry it was such a long blog, but I have a lot to say I guess ><.
If there are any topics you want me to go more in depth on in their own blog, pleaseeee let me know. I have more free time than I have activities to fill it with. 

Bye For Now! ❤

Pixel Art divider by Moonlight-pendent13