


So, I've been so tired, and also I didn't want to accidentally reveal any secrets before someone else posts first... but I'm so excited so I'll write about it. no one reads my blog anyways ww

Last weekend Buri chan had a gyaru themed BBQ sleepover!!

So of course I had to do my absolute best to show up properly and be a representative of gyaru culture w

necklace... d.i.a
panty set... VS
top... Urban
tracksuit... XIII
shoes... DAISO

ew w

ew x2

Makeovers ~

CHO cute ~

And then surprise BEER PONG

Dolce chan

I had such an amazing time. I wish I can have so much fun every day.

 To Buri chan : Thankyou so much for your hard work in hosting.




Today J had a haircut appointment so we were in the area of the mall,

I didn’t get a proper coord pic but I got a mirror selfie at least…

hairclip…handmade gift
shoes…Target (not seen)

After the appointment we went to the mall to shop for new work clothes for J

Big UNIQLO haul!

I think I was looking depressed because he bought me some things from Urban afterward w

He wanted me to get this top, I hope I can style it cute…

After that we got some treats, J got his routine Cinnabon and we also got Mochinut.

I got a cheese dog but I ate it without taking a pic w

I also got this tiger sugar coffee?… I can’t remember the name… but it was soooooo good. I really recommend getting the coffee with the brulee topping if you go.


Also I got recently these headphones in the mail ~

They’re super cute and really good for the low price. I really like them.




It's chilly lately!

I forgot to blog yesterday

All we did was go grocery shopping, but we felt like we needed a little fun...

so we also bought some clothes.

But, well, it was only at Costco so it's not too exciting w.


J wears his Adidas almost every day so I thought it would be nice to match, but they didn't have XS and after all I think these S won't fit properly so idk about them...

Some winter socks, which are suuuuper soft.

They had these gigantic diffusers, apparently they will last for 6 months!! I thought that they looked pretty.

I set it up above the air vent in the living room because the vents smell so bad in our apartment for some reason.

The banana craving is real lately, I bought three banana items while grocery shopping yesterday w