


Today J had a haircut appointment so we were in the area of the mall,

I didn’t get a proper coord pic but I got a mirror selfie at least…

hairclip…handmade gift
shoes…Target (not seen)

After the appointment we went to the mall to shop for new work clothes for J

Big UNIQLO haul!

I think I was looking depressed because he bought me some things from Urban afterward w

He wanted me to get this top, I hope I can style it cute…

After that we got some treats, J got his routine Cinnabon and we also got Mochinut.

I got a cheese dog but I ate it without taking a pic w

I also got this tiger sugar coffee?… I can’t remember the name… but it was soooooo good. I really recommend getting the coffee with the brulee topping if you go.


Also I got recently these headphones in the mail ~

They’re super cute and really good for the low price. I really like them.

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