


Wow I almost forgot to blog today.

I thought about it in the morning…

And then I forgot about it by the afternoon.

This is why I always blog in the morning w

Well nothing happened today anyways. 

Jake is working 10 days straight through the weekend on 10 hour shifts.

So we stayed home obvi and we ordered Indian food (they forgot half our order) and we watched YuGiOh season 0.

Tomorrow as well it’ll be lazy.





I did clean properly yesterday.

I also rearranged and decluttered so the place is looking somewhat nice.

I took a new entertainment center from the trash.

The old one was also from the trash, 

but over time it became very wobbly and unstable after moving it around a lot.

So we really needed a new one, so I'm glad this one was put out.

The neighbor it belonged to was outside at the time I was carrying it inside.

neighbor: "Thankyou for taking my entertainment center!"

Ray: "Thankyou for not judging me for taking it!"

neighbor: "No, I put it outside hoping someone would take it, so I'm glad you did!"

but, I cut my thumb while cleaning it.

I was in such a bad mood after that w

and then I hurt myself again later while vacuuming!!

being Stay-At-Home is hard after all w

I'm hoping I can make the apartment a little cuter and more decorated.

I want to host a slumber party type meet.





I have nothing to show yet today. 

Mostly because I'm supposed to be cleaning but I don't want to.

so I'm stalling by writing on my blog instead w

I'm so annoyed by the prices lately.

I know some other gyaru say "I'm happy that it became trendy because now I can find more stuff I like in the mainstream" and "more people are enjoying gyaru now!"

but no I'm toxic and I'm just annoyed that it made the prices skyrocket...

I feel like in the past there was a mutual respect in the community and scalping was a shameful act that you would be embarrassed to do.

now maybe because the comm has fragmented and no one has that community spirit anymore, 

everyone prices their stuff like it's the last piece left on earth.

like, come on... It's fast fashion from a mall store 

it's made out of tissue paper and wishes

it's 15 years old and been worn on 5+ asses already

be so for real.

I guess I'm living on SHEIN and AliEx until the teens lose interest w




Today I actually left the apartment omg

I had to go to the post office to mail a parcel

so I had to take the bus to the next city over.

I also put lenses and lashes today.

These are the lenses I've been using for a long time now, 

over two years maybe.

I'll be throwing them away soon though since they're almost expired.

I'm hoping I can buy them again though, because I like them a lot.

The store that I bought them at closed ages ago though. 

So I'll have to find them online.


I was feeling very chilly and unmotivated to get dressed, so I tried to be as warm as possible.

I feel very cute today ~

I also accidentally remembered that my phone can take video,

so I recorded a short video too...

and now you can see the things I always censor out in the background of my photos...

it's J's belts hanging on the back of the door, 

and for-sale clothes piled on top of the dresser wwww

they are just not kawaii so I don't like them in the background.

I could remove them but I just always forget...

I took a bunch of selfies at the bus stop and the girl sitting next to me was laughing at me the whole time.

Whatever, people make fun of me everywhere I go. idc.

 Today’ Song is: 倖田 來未 - 乱反射




I was sleepy this morning so I slept in half an hour late

it's another day where I've got nothing to do.

Yesterday I got new coffee syrup,

sugar free caramel!

So I can enjoy a yummy coffee this morning.

for those who are curious,

I don't have any dietary restriction.

I just don't like the taste of sugar.

It leaves a gross after taste in the mouth

so I don't like it.

Also I did buy the new phone! 

It'll be more time before I can show it,

but I hope it works and I like it.

I'll update you in the future.




The photo doesn’t look so cute but

It was cute in real life


We did go to McDo again today....

and we went back to the first shop we went to since I saw they had a new shipment in yesterday 


えー? Keroppiboh again??


I’m feeling unsure about my chances now….

Well I hope my friends like Keroppiboh because bingo will be seeing him as a prize next time wwww